
From Observatory

1. Soup Stock

From: The Plain Sailing Cook Book (TEST COOKBOOK) (#1)

  • Category: Soups
  • Tags: Europe

The knuckle or shin-bone of beef and veal is suitable for making Soup Stock. The meat and bone should be cut by the butcher into small pieces.

Soup Stock is the basis for many kinds of soup, and is sometimes used in making gravy or sauce.

  • 1½ pounds veal
  • 1½ pounds beef
  • 1 onion—sliced
  • 6 cloves
  • 1 bay-leaf
  • 2 sprigs parsley
  • 2 celery tops
  • 3 quarts cold water
  • Large covered saucepan
  • Vegetable-knife
  • Large spoon
  • Colander
  • Bowl
  • Quart measure
  1. Put all the materials in a saucepan, cover the pan, place it on the fire, and bring slowly to the boiling-point.
  2. With a large spoon, skim off the foam and other surface deposits.
  3. Reduce the heat, cover the saucepan tightly, and let simmer three hours.
  4. Take from the fire, pour the contents of the saucepan through a colander into a bowl, and set the bowl in a cool place overnight.
  5. In the morning, remove the cake of fat from the surface of the Soup Stock, and place the bowl in the ice-box until needed from time to time in the preparation of soup, gravy, etc.


With a recent report titled “Projections of Future Coral Bleaching Conditions,” published by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in November, Leticia Carvalho — head of the Marine and Freshwater Branch of UNEP—said on December 21 that coral reefs are the “canary in the coalmine for climate’s impact on oceans.” The image of the canary in the coal mine is used over and over again to refer to many aspects of the climate catastrophe: reflecting on his studies of glacier decline in Greenland, glaciologist Ian Howat said that [1]“Greenland is going to be the canary in the coal mine,” while an evolutionary biologist in Australia, Dr. Janet Gardner, said that “Birds really are the ‘canaries in the coal mine’” because their changes in body weight reflect sensitive assessments of changing weather patterns. Each of these scientists, looking at the specific thing they study—glaciers, bird weight, coral reefs—is right about their particular insight as well as about the fact that what they are seeing is worrying.


References[edit | edit source]

  1. Some ref work , p.20-23


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[[Procter & Gamble, Mondelēz and Nestlé Are Among 10 of the Leading Consumer Brands Driving Global Deforestation]] 2024-05-15 true 2024-05-15 [[Reynard Loki|]] Laurel Sutherlin 2024-07-21 [[Anton Krom|]]
[[Profit Trumps People and Planet in Brazil’s Eucalyptus Industry]] 2024-06-03 true 2024-06-02 [[Reynard Loki|]] Orin Langelle, Steve Taylor 2024-07-21 [[Anton Krom|]]
[[Property and Debt in Ancient Rome]] 2024-02-18 true 2024-02-19 [[Katherine Dolan|]] Michael Hudson 2024-07-21 [[Anton Krom|]]
[[Public Libraries Remain Essential Despite Defunding and Privatization]] 2023-01-17 true 2023-01-20 [[April M. Short|]] April M. Short 2024-07-21 [[Anton Krom|]]
[[Red Earth Farms Is Proof That Intentional Communities Can Succeed]] 2024-06-27 true 2024-07-01 [[Brittani Banks|]] Damon Orion 2024-07-21 [[Anton Krom|]]
[[Republicans Learn to Promote Fascism at the Feet of a Master (Hint: It's Not Trump)]] 2022-06-05 true 2024-03-07 [[Anton Krom|]] Thom Hartmann 2024-07-21 [[Anton Krom|]]
[[Rivers Are Key to Restoring the World’s Biodiversity]] 2023-01-18 true 2024-04-24 [[Reynard Loki|]] Alessandra Korap Munduruku, Darryl Knudsen, Irikefe V. Dafe 2024-07-21 [[Anton Krom|]]
[[Roman Oligarchs Avoided Tax Liability and Restrictions on Land Size]] 2024-02-09 true 2024-02-19 [[Katherine Dolan|]] Michael Hudson 2024-07-21 [[Anton Krom|]]
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[[Should Humans Try to Modify the Amount of Sunlight the Earth Receives?]] 2022-12-14 true [[|]] Dan Ross 2024-07-21 [[Anton Krom|]]
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[[Socialist or Capitalist—What Is China’s Model, Exactly?]] 2022-12-02 true 2022-12-02 [[Brittani Banks|]] Richard D. Wolff 2024-07-26 [[Jenny Pierson|]]
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[[Toxic Chemicals in Food Packaging Weaken the Immune System Response]] 2023-02-23 true 2024-02-28 [[Reynard Loki|]] Melissa Kravitz Hoeffner 2024-07-21 [[Anton Krom|]]
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