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Headline | Date |
Regulatory loopholes allow more than 30 million pounds of a cancer-causing pesticide to be sprayed on U.S. crops.
USDA, agriculture, environment, environmental health, farming, food, health, pesticide, public health |
Not only does hydroelectric power fail to prevent catastrophic climate change, but it also renders countries more vulnerable to climate change while emitting significant amounts of methane, one of the worst greenhouse gases.
energy, nature, rivers, human rights, renewable energy |
Fossil fuel stakeholders have been seeking new revenue in the petrochemical industry in general, and plastics in particular.
environment, ocean, plastic, waste |
We can no longer rely on simple solutions like recycling to solve our plastic waste problem.
environment, climate change |
It’s time to rethink our broken and unfair family planning systems.
children, environment, family planning, politics, population, sustainability |
Here are five surprising ways to reconsider your backyard so it can promote native plants while also protecting wildlife.
animal rights, environment |
Using the same land for the production of both agriculture and solar energy is a win-win for the climate and farmers.
environment, energy, agriculture, renewable energy, solar |
We must find a better way to prevent land use from changing.
air pollution, carbon, carbon dioxide, climate change, emissions, environment, environmental health, fossil fuels, global warming, greenhouse gas, health, pollution, public health |
We all have a moral obligation to do the least possible harm to our planet, and that ethos has a name: veganics.
environment, animal rights, biodiversity, farming, agriculture, vegan, sustainability |
Smaller, more sustainable families would create massive long-term savings and catalyze sustainable development.
environment, family planning, philosophy, politics, public health, sustainability, children |
Massive industrial livestock financing sabotages major U.S. banks’ climate goals.
agriculture, animal rights, animals, antimicrobial resistance, banking, banks, carbon dioxide, carbon farming, climate change, cows, deforestation, disease, emissions, environment, environmental health, finance, forests, global warming, human rights, indigenous, indigenous rights, labor, labor rights, livestock, pesticides, pollution, soil degradation, water pollution, wildlife, zoonotic disease |
When it comes to maintaining energy flows, there is a closing window to avert both climate catastrophe and economic peril.
climate change, economy, energy, environment, fossil fuel, gas, global warming, oil |
It’s a harsh reality for the climate: What’s already been emitted must be sucked out of the air, too.
environment, climate change, science, technology |
How one North Dakota farmer saved his farm and livelihood using carbon-friendly farming methods.
Carbon farming, agriculture, climate change, global warming |
Higher carbon dioxide levels and warmer temperatures are causing plants to increase their pollen production.
environment, health, botany, climate change |
Despite industry rhetoric, hydropower is high-cost and high-risk. There are better options for a renewable energy future.
environment, climate change, dam, rivers, activism, economy, indigenous resistance, human rights |
Under the cover of greenwashing, global insurers are fueling climate change.
The fate of intact forests is closely linked to that of Indigenous peoples.
environment, indigenous, forest, deforestation, land, ecosystem, climate change, emissions, greenhouse gas, sustainability, farming, agriculture, stewardship |
Decades of unjust land use decisions have deliberately shaped and harmed communities. But there are concrete actions you can take to make positive changes.
environment, activism, climate, climate change, climate acti0n, local, local peace economy, book, community, climate resilience, ordinance, neighborhood, equity, justice, social justice, climate justice, policy, regulation, massachusetts, cambridge, louisville, kentucky, biking, public safety, public space |
Preserving biodiversity is among the most urgent issues of our time, and it needs to be addressed regionally to succeed.
environment, indigenous, sacred land, sacred site, biodiversity, animal rights, ecosystem, conservation, ecology, activism, wildlife, land, local |
The eco-footprint of the wine industry is significant, and some wineries are taking steps to reduce their impact. For conscious consumers, it’s about knowing what to look for.
environment, wine, food, sustainability, vegan, organic |
Many nonprofits have accepted family planning policies that are harmful to women, children, and the environment.
environment, family planning, nonprofit |
Broken child welfare policies have undermined political systems and destroyed the planetary ecosystem.
environment, family planning, sustainability, children, childrens' rights, human rights, civil rights, government, law, united nations, population, climate change, child welfare, self-determination, freedom, politics, greenwashing, families, reparations, development, economy, emissions, future, ecosystem, reproductive rights, women's rights, consumption, overconsumption, consumer, consumerism |
Factory farming has devastating environmental impacts, but there are ways we can protect our vital resources.
environment, animal rights, factory farms, cows, pigs, chickens, farming, CAFO, farm animals, water, pollution, water pollution, meat, industrial agriculture, agriculture |
Commercial financial flows to the forest-risk commodity sectors are driving the majority of tropical deforestation.
By Laurel Sutherlin in Environment | Rainforest Action Network, Earth Food Life Project| Apr 24, 2024
animal rights, banking, biodiversity, climate change, deforestation, economics, ecosystem, environment, finance, forests |
Showing 1 to 25 of 117 entries
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