21 Ways to Divest from the War Economy

From Observatory

The war economy creates a culture that alienates us and promotes scarcity. Cultivating love, compassion, and critical thinking helps us envision a society of peace and interdependence.

Day 1: From Alienation to Connection

Radical compassion and recognition of our interconnectedness will lay the groud for collective change.

Day 2: From Self-Directed to Community Engaged

Focussing on community care and cooperation will bridge the gap between alienation and engagement.

Day 3: From Competition to Interdependence

together for collective benefit, we foster unity and shared success.

Day 4: From Transactional to Relational

In a fast-paced world, let us pause and prioritize authentic connections.

Day 5: From Apathy to Engagement

Youths standing up for change inspire us to practice radical imagination and compassionate action.

Day 6: From Quantity to Quality

Let us value deep and meaningful connections. Lasting change lies in the strength of our relationships.

Day 7: From Distraction to Attention

Mindfully focus on what truly matters. Engage with reliable sources and nurture your intelligence.

Day 8: From Waste to Conservation

Reflect on your contribution to environmental destruction and take action for a greener future.

Day 9: From Productivity to Rest

Recharge and nourish yourself to create a more peaceful world.

Day 10: From Either/Or to Both/And

Seek inclusivity by finding common ground with others, even those with different viewpoints.

Day 11: From Reactionary to Investigative

Challenge mainstream narratives and engage in thoughtful questioning. Seek reliable sources.

Day 12: From Us vs. Them to All of Us

Aim for compassion and understanding. Recognize our interconnectedness and work toward unity.

Day 13: From Limitation to Imagination

Envision a world beyond the constraints of the war economy. Embrace diversity and freedom for all.

Day 14: From Restraint to Pleasure

Embrace joy in your life. Recognize that joy and enthusiasm benefit the world.

Day 15: From Control to Empowerment

Foster collaboration to empower young people and honor their visions for a better world.

Day 16: From Scarcity to Abundance

Share resources and act optimistically for a brighter future.

Day 17: From Plastics to the Planet

Recognize our reliance on the planet. Reduce plastic consumption and work toward sustainability.

Day 18: From Urgency to Wisdom

Act from a place of mindfulness and wisdom. Consider the long-term impacts of your decisions.

Day 19: From Consumption to Creation

Contribute positively to the world and escape mindless consumerism.

Day 20: From Accumulation to Sharing Resources

Aim for collective-cooperative models that foster mindful consumption.

Day 21: From Repression to Revolution

Work with your community to create a revolution of love and compassion.

Read full article "21 Ways to Divest from the War Economy" by Jodie Evans.

🔭   This summary was human-edited with AI-assist.

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