Why Chickens Deserve Our Respect

From Observatory

Chickens, despite centuries of domestication, retain their wild nature and deserve our respect. They are brave creatures and have played significant roles throughout history. Roosters, symbolizing military valor, have been revered for their courage. Chickens show bravery by standing up to predators and protecting their families. However, their bravery often goes unnoticed and unappreciated.

Chickens are also protective mothers. They confront threats and defend their offspring, just as humans do. Yet, many people fail to see the similarity between a mother’s protection of her child and a hen’s efforts to safeguard her chicks. In well-balanced outdoor flocks, chickens maintain peace through playful sparring and ritual chasing. Disputes among them are typically resolved without violence, as they have a natural instinct for social equilibrium.

Contrary to common belief, chickens have good memory, strong emotions, and a keen awareness of their surroundings. They recognize each other as individuals, even after being separated, and form bonds. They exhibit affectionate behavior, clucking endearments to one another throughout the day. Chickens also have a natural instinct for social interaction and maintain amiable relationships within well-acquainted flocks.

Chickens are often subject to cruelty in the food system. Breeder hens and roosters are separated from their chicks, leading to a lack of familial bonds. These parent birds are eventually culled and sent to slaughter, never getting the chance to see, raise, or protect their offspring. Sanctuaries provide a safe haven for chickens that have been abandoned, abused, or unwanted, allowing them to live free from confinement.

I have seen firsthand that chickens have a capacity for empathy and comfort. Chickens respond to human emotions and provide solace in times of distress. These experiences have led me to advocate for chicken rights and establish United Poultry Concerns.

To show compassion for chickens, International Respect for Chickens Day is celebrated on May 4 each year. It is crucial to treat chickens humanely and make informed food choices, shifting away from a meat-based diet toward a plant-based one. By respecting and understanding chickens, we can recognize their value as sentient beings and create a more compassionate world for them.

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