Modern (Mis)interpretations of Clean Slates

From Observatory

Understanding the Significance of Clean Slates in Ancient Societies

In Bronze Age civilizations like Mesopotamia, the notion of Clean Slates held significant importance due to their role in maintaining societal stability. People of this era recognized that unchecked debt pressures could disrupt fiscal and landholding systems, leading to detrimental effects on the community. Unlike modern economic doctrines, which rely on self-correcting market mechanisms, ancient societies understood that debts could spiral out of control due to compound interest, necessitating intervention from governing authorities to prevent economic destabilization.

The Religious and Social Context of Clean Slates

In Mesopotamia, Clean Slates were intricately linked to the concept of divine kingship. Rulers, in their commitment to serving city-gods, enacted debt cancellations as a means of promoting equity in the land. These acts were often accompanied by rituals and festivals symbolizing the restoration of social order and justice. By integrating debt annulments with religious and social cosmology, rulers reinforced their role as custodians of economic balance and fairness.

Interpreting the Meaning of Freedom and Debt Relief

The interpretation of ancient terms like "amargi" and "andurarum" has varied widely, reflecting the ideological biases of translators. While some view debt cancellations as acts of political liberation, others see them as practical solutions to economic challenges. The historical context suggests that Mesopotamian rulers pragmatically addressed the adverse consequences of rural debt by periodically canceling debts to maintain economic viability.

Anachronistic Views and Economic Realities

Modern interpretations often impose contemporary economic assumptions onto ancient societies, overlooking the pragmatic reasons behind debt cancellations. Contrary to the belief that debt relief exacerbates economic problems, historical evidence suggests that it helped sustain economic stability by preventing social unrest and preserving the community's fighting force.


Clean Slates played a vital role in ancient societies, serving as a mechanism for maintaining economic equilibrium and social cohesion. Rather than viewing debt cancellations through a modern lens, it is essential to understand them within their historical and cultural contexts to appreciate their significance in shaping ancient economies and societies.

Read full article "Modern (Mis)interpretations of Clean Slates" by Michael Hudson.

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