
From Observatory


Acme Oil Company, I, 159; II, 100-101.
Aiken, J. R., II, 164.
Alexander, Scofield and Company, I, 46, 49 65.
Allegheny River as a means of transportation, I, 15-16.
Allen, M. N., I, 108, 141-143.
Amalgamated Copper, II, 269.
American Oil Company, II, 50.
American Transfer Company, I, 223-224.
Andrews, Samuel, partner of John D. Rockefeller, I, 42-43, 44; II, 201.
Archbold, John D., opposes South Improvement Company, I, 73-74; gained over by Rockefeller, 107; practises rebate system, 132; affiliate; with the Standard Oil Company, 159; before the Pennsylvania courts, 227, 228, 229; in the fight for the Tidewater Pipe Line, II, 21-22; testimony on underselling, 50; testimony in Buffalo Conspiracy case, 89; indicted in Buffalo conspiracy case, 100-104; negotiates control of Producers' Oil Company, 179; denies illegal methods of competition, 187; before Industrial Commission, 190; on Standard Oil prices, 224-225; director Standard Oil, 266; on foreign competition, 271.
Atherton, Judge, II, 74-75, 76.
Atlantic and Great Western R. R., I, 16, 46, 89, 91.


Baltimore and Ohio R. R., I, 195-196.
Barrel Industry, II, 237-238.
Barstow, Frank Q., I, 159; II, 266.
Bedford, E. T., II, 266.
Benson, B. D., I, 172, 214; II, 3, 5, 21-22.
Billingsley Bill, The, II, 121-124.
Bissell, George H., I, 7.
Blackmail, II, 289-290.
Blanchard, G. R., I, 132, 136-137, 139, 162, 228.
Bogus Oil Companies, II, 50-51.
Borneo Oil, II, 271-273.
Boston and Maine R. R., II, 268, 278.
Bostwick, Jabez A., in South Improvement Company, I, 58; joins Standard Oil Company, 179-181; in negotiations for sale of Empire Transportation Company, 194; Standard Oil buyer in oil fields, 217; introduces "immediate shipment" order, 217-220; before the Hepburn Commission, 228; indicted for conspiracy in Pennsylvania, 239; a typical Standard Oil witness, 243; extradition from New York demanded by oil producers, 247; charged with oppression, II, 8.
Boyle, Patrick, I, 187-188; II, 171-172.
Bradford Oil Fields, I, 215-219.
Brands, II, 216-217.
Brewster, Benjamin, I, 63; II, 206.
Bribery, II, 56-59, 114-119, 145-146.
Brown, S. Q., II, 15.
Buffalo Lubricating Company, II, 92, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100.
Burwald, H. P., II, 174, 176.
Butts, Mrs. G. C., II, 39-41.
By-products, utilization of, II, 246-251.


Camden, J. N., I, 169, 171, 197; II, 112.
Campbell, B. B., ally of Empire Transportation Company, I, 189-190; in the struggle against railway discrimination, 221; causes indictment of Standard Oil officials, 238; fights for extradition of Standard Oil officials, 247-248; effects compromise with Standard Oil, 251-255.
Carter, John J., II, 178-181.
Cassatt, A. J., denies railway discrimination, I, 144; defends discrimination, 153; before Congressional Committee on Commerce, 169; supports Empire Transportation Company in contest with Standard Oil, 186-188 ; yields to Standard Oil, 190-191; ally of Standard Oil in rebate system, 200; startling testimony in Pennsylvania courts, 227; submits to Standard Oil drawback system, 233; aids in the war on the independents, II, 8-10.
Central Association, I, 148-149.
Chess, Carley and Company, II, 33, 44-46, 48, 149, 222.
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul R. R., II, 268.
Choate, Joseph H., Standard Oil counsel before New York Senate investigating committee, II, 132, 135-136; in Ohio dissolution proceedings, 145; in New York liquidation proceedings, 258.
Church, Judge Pierson, II, 19-22.
Cincinnati and Marietta R. R., II, 78, 81.
Clark, Horace F., I, 59, 61, 92, 93.
Clark, M. B., I, 41-42.
Cleveland, as a refining centre, I, 38-39, 51-52.
Collins, C. P., II, 165.
Columbia Oil Company, 165.
Committee System, in Standard Oil Company, II, 232-233.
Common Carriers, II, 82-83; see also Drawback, Rebate.
Competition, see Predatory Competition; Underselling; Prices; Standard Oil Company.
Congressional Investigating Committee, I, 169-171; II, 137-141.
Constituent Companies, in Standard Oil Company, II, 265.
Corlett, Thomas, II, 106-107.
Crescent Pipe Line, II, 213.
Cunneen, John, II, 186.


Delamater, Wallace, II, 122.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R. R., II, 182-183, 268.
Denslow and Bush, I, 199-201.
Devereux, J. H., I, 47-48, 67, 133, 170.
Directorate of the Standard Oil Company, II, 266.
Discrimination; see Rebate; Drawback; Oppression.
Dividends, magnificent, II, 200-201, 208, 267-268.
Doane, W. H., I, 46, 47, 64, 65, 70-71.
Dodd, S. C. T., counsel for Standard Oil Company before New York Senate investigating committee, II, 132; in Ohio dissolution proceedings, 145; carries out liquidation of Standard Oil Trust, 152-154; defends liquidation methods, 259.
Downer, Samuel, pioneer oil-refiner, I, 19-20.
Drake, Edwin L., strikes oil, I, 9-10.
Drawback, I, 61, 196-197, 232-233, 253-254; II, 77-84; see also Rebate.
"Dry-Hole," I, 22.
Dudley, J. P., II, 102.


Emery, Lewis, founds Equitable Petroleum Company, I, 214; testifies to spy system of Standard Oil Company, II, 39; employees corrupted by Standard Oil Company, 57-58; supports Billingsley Bill, 123; charges Standard Oil Company with legislative bribery, 124; in Producers' Protective Association, 164; leads fight for independent pipe-line, 167-169 ; establishes independent foreign markets, 175, 177; in the struggle for independent seaboard pipe-line, 182-187; retires from contest, 188; see also United States Pipeline.
Empire Transportation Company, origin, I, 23-24; in railway pool, 136; organization, 178-179; invades refining field, 183-185; contest with Standard Oil Company, 185-191; sells out to Standard Oil Company, 192-193; formally dissolved, 194; an important factor in competition, II, 202; see also Potts, Joseph D.
Equitable Petroleum Company, I, 214, 222-223.
Erie R. R., I, 33-34, 59, 6l , 62. 91, 93, 132-133, 134-140, 151-152, 185, 186, 187, 195-196; II, 6-7, 168, 169.
Espionage system, II, 38-41, 52-55, 57-58.
Ethics of Standard Oil methods, II, 56-57, 288-291.
Everest, H. B. and C. M., II, 89, 91-110.


Fertig, John, II, 174, 176.
Flagler, Henry M., partner in Standard Oil Company of Cleveland, I, 44; denies existence of rebate system, 49; character, 50-51; in South Improvement Company, 55; in the Oil Regions, 105, 107; takes part in organization of Central Association, 146-147; negotiates with Empire Transportation Company, 191, 194; before Ohio investigating committee, 228; indicted for conspiracy in Pennsylvania, 239; extradition demanded by oil producers, 247; testimony on Tidewater Pipe Line contest, II, 15; testimony in the Scofield contest, 71; before Congressional investigating committee, 138-140; director Standard Oil, 266.
Foreign competition, II, 210-211, 213-214, 271-274; see also Russian Oil, Sumatra Oil, Java Oil, Borneo Oil.
Foreign markets, I, 21; II, 244-245.
Frew, William, I, 57, 160, 161, 227.
Frye, Senator, II, 115-116.


Gas versus Oil, II, 201.
Girty, G. W., I, 239, 247.
Goldsborough, J. R., II, 165.
Gould, Jay, I, 27, 33, 59, 61, 89, 179-180.
Gowen, F. B., II, 14-15, 16-17, 20.
Guffey Petroleum Company, II, 272.


Haight, Judge, II, 103-104, 110.
Handy, Truman P., I, 63.
Hanna, Marcus A., II, 146-148.
Hanna, Robert, II, 66-67.
Harkness, C. W., II, 266.
Harkness, Stephen V., I, 44.
Harkness, William W., I, 157, 202.
Harley, Henry, I, 27-28, 138-139, 177-178; II, 6-7; see also Pennsylvania Transportation Company.
Hartranft, John F., I, 225.
Hasson, William, I, 110-111, 116-117, 123.
Hatch, C. P., I, 25-26.
Hatch, Edward W., II, 106-109.
Haupt, Herman, I, 174-176, 214; II, 3.
Hepburn Commission, I, 228.
Hoar, George F., II, 115, 117-119.
Hopkins, R. E., I, 172-173, 214; II, 3.
Hostetter, David, I, 72, 194-195.
Hoyt, Henry M., I, 244-249.
Humboldt Refining Works, I, 20.
Hunt, Mrs. Sylvia C., I, 198-199.


Immediate shipment, I, 215-219, 251; see also Oppression.
Independents, I, 156-161, 171-173, 174-178, 214; II, 23, 190; see also Predatory Competition and Standard Oil Company.
Industrial Commission, II, 50, 86, 183, 187, 190, 218, 220, 224, 225, 271.
Interstate Commerce Bill, I, 168, 171, 218; II, 125, 291.
Interstate Commerce Commission, II, 166, 280-283.
Intimidation and force, II, 41, 202-207; see also Predatory Competition and Espionage.
Investigation, I, 77-83, 169-171, 225, 228-229; II, 131-134; see also Congressional Investigating Committee and Hepburn Commission.


Java Oil, II, 271-273.
Jenks, Professor, II, 50.
Jennings, O. B., I, 63, 141.
Jennings, Walter, II, 266.


Keene, James R., II, 20-21.
Kier, Samuel M., I, 5-6.
King, Hugh, II, 183.
Kirk, David, II, 164, 176.
Kline, Virgil P., II, 145, 150-151, 262.


Lake Shore R. R., I, 16, 47, 48, 52; II, 71-74, 75-76; see also New York Central R. R.
Lee, J. W., in Producers' Protective Association, II, 164; organizes Producers' Oil Company, 165; a leader in the struggle against the Standard Oil Company, 174-175; contest with J. J. Carter, 180; in the fight for a free pipeline bill, 183.
Legislative Corruption, I, 215; see also Lobbying and Bribery.
Lobbying, II, 183-184.
Lockhart, Charles, in South Improvement Company, I, 57; absorbs Pittsburg refineries, 68; in the Central Association, 146-147; takes part in the negotiations with the Empire Transportation Company, 194; before the Pennsylvania courts, 227; indicted for conspiracy, 239; leading position in Standard Oil Company, II, 252.
Logan, John P., I, 57.
Logan, W. P., I, 57.
Lombard, Ayres and Company, II, 6-11, 14.
Lombard, Josiah, I, 71; II, 196-197.


McCandless, William, I, 225-226.
McClellan, George B., General, I, 59, 61, 89, 92.
McDonald Oil Field, II, 242.
McDowell, J. C, II, 181.
McGregor, Ambrose, II, 89, 100-104.
McKelvy, David, I, 172, 214; II, 3, 21-22.
Malicious Litigation, II, 183-187.
Matthews, C. B., II, 90-109.
Merrill, Joshua, I, 21-22; II, 250.
Miller, Albert, II, 91-93, 94-96, 99-100, 102.
Miller, Herman, II, 240.
Missouri, Kansas and Texas R. R., II, 268.
Moffett, James A., II, 266.
Monnett, Frank S., II, 259-264.
Morehouse and Freeman, I, 163-164.
Murphy, Michael, II, 164, 177, 181, 187.


Nash, George K., II, 83-84.
National City Bank, II, 268.
National Transit Company, II, 12-13, 26-27, 120, 276-277; see also United Pipe Lines.
National Refiners' Association, I, 109, 126.
New Jersey Central R. R., II, 169.
New York Central R. R., I, 33-34, 52, 53, 59, 61, 62, 93, 130, 134-140, 165, 185-187, 195-196; II, 7, 268; see also Lake Shore R. R.
New York, New Haven and Hartford R. R., II, 268, 278-279.
New York, Ontario and Western R. R., II, 168.
Northern Pacific R. R., II, 268.


O'Day, Daniel, enters service of Erie R. R., I, 179-180; passes to Standard Oil Company, 181; in negotiations with Empire Transportation Company, 194; enforces drawback system on Pennsylvania R. R., 196; indicted for conspiracy, 239; extradition demanded by oil producers, 247; enforces drawback system on Cleveland and Marietta R. R., II, 79; compelled to return drawbacks collected, 81; at the Buffalo conspiracy trial, 102.
Ohlen, H. C., I, 233-234.
Oil, found on Oil Creek, I, 10-12; at Pithole, 24-25; at Bradford, 215.
Oil City Derrick, I, 74, 8l, 122; II, 107, 109, 122, 171, 244.
Oil Creek, I, 10.
Oil Exchange, I, 28.
Oil Regions, rush to, I, 12; plentiful capital, 32; social conditions, 34-37; rise against South Improvement Company, 72-75; wasteful methods, 112-113; lose advantage of geographical position, 137-138; hostility towards Central Association, 150-151; yield to Central Association, 158 159; resentment against Standard Oil Company, 220-227; lack of effective opposition, 258259; support the Billingsley Bill, II, 119-121, 123, renewed hostility towards Standard Oil Company, 124-125, 156-158.
Oil wars; see Predatory Competition.
Oppression, by overcharges, I, 220; by refusing shipping facilities, 220-222; by discrimination in freight charges, 227-229; see also Immediate Shipment, Drawback and Rebate.


Page, Howard, II, 36-37.
Patterson, E. G., I, 169, 189-190, 256; II, 17-19.
Payne, H. B., II, 112-113, 114-119.
Payne, Oliver H., I, 56, 58, 70-71; II, 113, 266.
Pease, Phineas, II, 78-79, 80-84.
Pennsylvania R. R., I, 33-34, 48, 52, 59-62, 93, 134-140, 144, 183-188, 190-191, 195-197, 199-201, 223, 225, 227, 233, 239, 244, 254; II, 8, 27-29, 166.
Pennsylvania Transit Company, I, 27-28, 138, 174, 176.
Petroleum, I, 4-6.
Petroleum Congress, I, 213.
Philadelphia and Erie R. R., I, 16.
Phillips, Thomas W., II, 159-160.
Pipe Lines, see Empire Transportation Company, Pennsylvania Transportation Company; United Pipe Lines National Transit Company; United States Pipe Line; Tidewater Pipe Line.
Pithole, oil struck at, I, 24-25.
Politics, Standard Oil Company in, II, 111-128.
Poth, Herr, 173, 175, 177.
Potts, Joseph D., organizes Empire Transportation Company, I, 24; begins purchase of pipe lines, 25; opposes South Improvement Company, 60; organizes railway pool, 136; opposes rebates to Central Association, 152-153; opposes Standard acquisition of pipe lines, 181-183; invades refining field, 183, 187; allies himself with independent producers, 189; abandoned by the Pennsylvania R. R., 191; sells to the Standard Oil Company, 192-193; see also Empire Transportation Company.
Pratt, Charles, enters Standard Oil Company, 148; stockholder in Acme Oil Company, 159; in negotiations with Empire Transportation Company, 194; extradition demanded by Pennsylvania oil men, 247; leading power in Standard Oil Company, 252.
Predatory competition, I, 156-159, 163-166, 188-189, 199-202; II, 41-43, 88-110, 172-174.
Prices, fluctuation, I, 31-32; exorbitant, 190, 210-212; II, 59; high prices aim of Standard Oil Company, 192-193; decline after 1866, 194-197; prices dictated by Standard Oil Company, 197-198; Standard coup of 1876, 200-201; high prices reduce exports, 201; increase of refining, 201-202; competition enters, 202-203; arbitrary prices, 204-206; enormous Standard profits, 208-209; underselling, 211-213; manipulating price quotations, 215-216; fancy brands and high prices, 216-217; great variations in local prices, 217-221; reasonable prices due to competition, 221-228.
Producers' Agency, I, 117-118.
Producers' and Refiners' Company, II, 167.
Producers' Oil Company, II, 165-167, 178.
Producers' Protective Association, II, 159-160, 161-165.
Producers' Union (Association), organized, I, 72; refuses terms to South Improvement Company, 76-77; arouses popular sympathy, 83-84; destroys alliance between South Improvement Company and railways, 90-94; renews contest, no; restricts production, 113-116; alliance with Refiners' Association, 123-124; alliance dissolved, 125; union dissolved, 126; reorganized, 213; plans independent pipe line, 214; brings suits against Pennsylvania R. R., 225; forces indictment of Standard officials, 239; presses suits in court, 242-245; rejects overtures of the Standard Oil Company, 249-251; effects compromise, 255-258, 260.
Production of oil, I, 10-12, 21, 29-30, 36, 113-115, 121, 154, 209-210; II, 157-158, 194-195.
Profits, from Standard Oil, II, 200-201, 208, 267-268; see also Prices.
Pure Oil Company, II, 176-177, 189-190.


Quick, M. W., II, 164.
Quinby, George, T, II, 102, 109.
Quo Warranto Proceedings, I, 225; II, 143-149.


Ramage, S. W., II, 174-176.
Rapallo, Edward S., II, 79-80.
Reading R. R., II, 4, 168.
Rebates, I, 33-34, 47-49, 52, 84-85, 93, 100, 129-130, 131-133, 136-138, 151-153, 232-233, 253-254; II, 66-87.
Refined Oil Pipe Line, II, 170.
Refiners' Association, I, 109, 126.
Rice, George, assails Standard system of underselling, II, 44-49; attacks rebate system, 77-84; seeks liquidation of Standard Oil Trust, 258-259.
Rogers, H. H., opposes South Improvement Company, I, 89; defends Standard Oil combination, 149-150; before Hepburn Commission, 228-229; purchases Vacuum Oil Works at Rochester, II, 89, 96, 97; indicted for conspiracy, 100-104; 130 negotiates for control of Producers' Oil Company, 179; on the aims of the Standard Oil Company, 193; before Industrial Commission, 225, 252; director Standard Oil, 266.
Rockefeller, Frank, I, 64, 169-170.
Rockefeller, John D., childhood and youth, I, 41; enters produce business, 42; enters oil business, 43; organizes Standard Oil Company, 44; plans combination of Cleveland refiners, 51; in the South Improvement Company, 55-56; bears chief obloquy of scheme, 92, 97; makes secret terms for rebate with railways, 100; persists in attempts at oil combination, 104; in the Oil Regions, 104-109; president National Refiners' Association, 109; effects combination with producers, 119-124; breaks alliance, 125; life threatened, 128; begins campaign for refining monopoly, 144-147; organizes Central Association of Refiners, 148-149; war against outside refiners, 154-161; attacks Empire Transportation Company, 183-186; initiates system of drawbacks, 196-197; methods of absorption, 202-207; denies existence of Standard combination, 230-231; indicted for conspiracy, 239-240; extradition demanded by Pennsylvania producers, 247; makes overtures to producers, 249-251, 253-254; conspiracy suit withdrawn, 254; campaign for the seaboard pipe-line, II, 12-29; campaign for the world's markets, 35-62; fear of his secret methods, 63-66; his contest with Scofield, Shurmer and Teagle, 68-71; his system of drawbacks, 77-84; denies existence of such system, 85-86; at the Buffalo conspiracy trial, 102; his methods perfected, 125-126; enemy of publicity, 127-131; before the New York Senate committee, 132-135; before Congressional committee, 138; his connection with Marcus A. Hanna, 146-147; makes peace with Producers' Protective Association, 160-161; his theory of high prices, 192-193; his control of the refining industry, 197; on Standard Oil policy, 226; his attention to details, 235; his genius for essentials, 241; his skill on the witness-stand, 260-261; 266, his profits, 268.
Rockefeller, John D., Jr., II, 266.
Rockefeller, William A., in the Standard Oil Company, I, 44; attractive personality, 50; in South Improvement Company, 58; in Acme Oil Company, 159; in negotiations with the Empire Transportation Company, 194; indicted for conspiracy, 239; extradition demanded 247; at Buffalo conspiracy trial, II, 102; director Standard Oil, 266; railway director, 279.
Russian oil, II, 210-211, 213, 214, 271-273.
Rutter circular, the, I, 141-144.


Satterfield, John, II, 19-20, 162.
Scheide, W. T., testimony on rebate system, I, 131-133; testimony on underselling, 161-163; before the Hepburn Commission, 228; supports Billingsley Bill, II, 122.
Scofield, Shurmer and Teagle, II, 67-76.
Scott, Rufus, II, 164.
Scott, Thomas A., makes secret contracts with South Improvement Company, I, 59-61; abandons South Improvement Company, 90, 92; denies rebate agreement with Standard Oil Company, 170; supports Standard Oil against independents, 200-201.
Seaboard Pipe Line, projected, I, 174-176; opposed by Standard Oil Company, 223; completed, II, 3-6; cap-tured by Standard Oil Company, 11-24.
Secret bureau of information; see Espionage System.
Secret contracts with railroads, I, 59-62, 79-80; see also Rebate.
Seep, Joseph, I, 150.
Seneca oil, I, 5.
Shell Transport and Trading Company, II, 272-273.
Sherman, John, II, 145, 147.
Sherman, Roger, counsel for Producers' Union, I, 251, 252; in Producers' Protective Association, II, 164; charges Standard Oil with conspiracy, 186; death, 188.
Shull, Peter, II, 42-43.
Silliman, Professor, I, 7.
South Improvement Company, organized monopoly, I, 55-59; secret contracts with railroads, 61-62; absorption by intimidation, 64-68; boycotted by producers, 72-76; a generous charter, 78-79; investigated by Congressional Committee, 79-83; charter repealed, 94; boycott lifted, 95-97.
Speculation, I, 31-33.
Spring-pole, method of drilling wells by, I, 10.
Squire, F. B., II, 263.
Standard Oil Company, organized, I, 44; absorbs independent refineries, 63-68; held responsible for South Improvement scheme, 97-98; enormous profits, 127-128; favoured shipper on N. Y. Central R. R., 129-130; favoured shipper on Erie R. R., 134-135; absorbs Philadelphia, Pittsburg and New York refineries, 147-148; obtains rebates from railroads, 151-153; absorbs Oil Regions refineries, 158-160; invades oil-shipping business, 161-163; enters pipe-line field, 179, 181; monopolizes pipe-line traffic, 194-195; absorbs Baltimore refineries, 197; enters Bradford oil fields, 216; investigated in various states, 227-229; secret methods, 229-231; monopolistic character, 231-232; rebate and drawback system, 232-235; increases prices, 235-238; indicted for conspiracy in Pennsylvania, 239-240; charges evaded, 242-243; seeks compromise with producers, 249-251; compromise effected, 253-254; conspiracy charge withdrawn, 254; hinders Tidewater pipe-line, II, 4-5; builds rival lines, 12; absorbs independent refineries, 13-14; seeks to ruin Tidewater's credit, 16-17; seeks to dissolve it by legal process, 17-19; attempts to seize control, 19-21; forms alliance with Tidewater, 23-24; extensive pipe-line development, 25-27; alliance with Pennsylvania R. R., 28-29; monopoly of oil transportation, 29; contest for world's markets, 31-32; efficient selling organization, 32-34; secret bureau of information, 35-41; intimidation and underselling, 41-51; summary of competitive methods, 60-62; rebate system, 63-87; sued for conspiracy in Buffalo, 100-110; its political role, 111-124; investigated by N. Y. Senate committee, 131-135; its operating constitution revealed, 136-137; charter assailed in Ohio, 142-150; Standard Trust formally dissolved, 152-154; alliance with Producers' Association, 160-161; enters producing field, 162-163; hinders independent oil movement, 168-169; attacks credit of United States Pipe Line Company, 170-172; undersells it, 173-174; buys up rival's stock, 177-181; fights independent seaboard pipe-line, 181-187; its control of prices, 192-227; destruction of competition its object, 227-229; merits of the Standard system, 231-232; centralized authority, 232; committee system, 233; internal emulation, 234-235; minute supervision, 235; dismantling of unprofitable plants, 236; wise location of industries, 236-237; side-industries, 237-240; economy of time, 240-241; initiative, 241-251; high-grade personnel, 251-253; the Standard Trust after formal dissolution in 1892, 257-258; contempt proceedings in Ohio, 259-264; reorganized as Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, 264-265; its constituent companies, 265; capital and surplus, 265-266; its directorate, 266; its charter, 266-267; profits, 267-268; invasion of other industrial fields, 268-269; its foreign competitors, 271-274; present practices, 274-283; transportation the basis of its supremacy, 283-284; defence of Standard methods, 284-288; political and ethical influence, 288-292.
Stewart, D. B., II, 19.
Stokes, Edward, II, 6-7.
Stone, Amasa, I, 47, 48, 63.
Straight, R. J., II, 164.
Subsidiary industries, II, 237-240.
Sumatra oil, II, 271-273.
Sumner, A. A., II, 4.


Tack, A. H., I, 154-155; II, 197.
Tankage charges; see Oppression.
Tank building begun, I, 13.
Tariff, the, and the Standard Oil Company, II, 272-273.
Taylor, H. L., II, 18-20, 161-162.
Teagle, John, II, 38, 42.
Teaming industry, I, 13-15, 17-18.
Tidewater Pipe Company, organized, II, 4; line built under difficulties, 4-5; completed, 6; supported by independent producers, 11; builds independent refineries, 14; prospers, 15; credit assailed by Standard Oil Company, 16-17; legal dissolution attempted, 17-19; control seized by Standard Oil Company, 19-21; forms alliance with Standard Oil, 23-24.
Tilford, W. H., II, 141-266.
Tinning industry, II, 238-240.
Truesdale, George, II, 93-95, 100.
Trust investigations, II, 131.
Tweedle, S. D., II, 250.


Underselling, I, 156; II, 41-51, 211-213, 221-224; see also Predatory Competition.
Union Oil Company, II, 161-163.
Union Pacific R. R., 268.
United Pipe Lines, I, 139, 181, 216-217, 218, 224-225, 227; II, 25.
United States Pipe Line, II, 169, 170, 174, 182-187.


Vacuum Oil Works of Rochester, II, 88-89, 91, 96-97, 98, 100.
Vanderbilt, W. H., I, 59, 61, 92-93, 228.
Vandergrift, J. J., organizes bulk transportation in oil, I, 16; builds pipe-lines 30; affiliates with Rockefeller, 107; vice-president National Refiners' Association, 109; president United Pipe Lines, 181; in negotiations with Empire Transportation Company, 194; before Pennsylvania courts, 227; leading man in Standard councils, 229; indicted for conspiracy, 239; seeks compromise with producers, 249; testimony on prices, II, 193; testimony on trust methods, 234.
Van Syckel, Samuel, pioneer pipe-line builder, I, 17-18.


Warden, W. G., I, 56-57, 68, 77, 80, 82, 146-147, 159, 194, 239; II, 252.
Waring, O. F., I, 58.
Waring, R. S., I, 57, 105.
Warrington, John W., II, 145, 148.
War tactics, II, 182-183.
Waste assessments, I, 26-27; see also Oppression.
Waters-Pierce Oil Company, II, 33, 37, 41, 46-48, 221.
Watson, David K., II, 142-150, 259.
Watson, Jonathan, I, 11.
Watson, Peter H., aids Rockefeller in establishing rebate system, I, 53; favours combination of refiners, 55; in South Improvement Company, 56-68; in the raid on independent refiners, 66-67; leading spirit of South Improvement scheme, 75-76; before Congressional committee, 77-78, 80, 82; disregarded by producers, 92; president Erie R. R., 133-134.
Welch, John C., II, 204, 205.
Well-drilling, I, 22.
Westgate, Theodore B., II, 39, 279.
"Wild-catting," I, 22.
Wilson, J. Scott, II, 90, 96-97.
Witt, Stillman, I, 63.
Wood, A. D., II, 164, 188.
Wright, William, I, 20.

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