Chickens Lack the Most Basic Legal Protection: The Right to Humane Slaughter
Chickens, the most abundant bird on Earth, suffer widespread abuse in the food industry. Despite their ability to think and feel, nearly 70 billion chickens raised for food each year endure appalling living and slaughter conditions. Industrial farms subject these birds to live-shackle slaughter, involving cramped crates, upside-down shackling, and electrified water baths intended to render them unconscious. However, the process often fails, leading to fully conscious birds experiencing throat-slitting and scalding.
The Humane Slaughter Act excludes poultry, leaving virtually no legislation ensuring humane chicken slaughter. Common live-shackle slaughter methods result in birds not being properly stunned. Chickens, complex sentient social beings, face an uncertain fate in the slaughterhouse, experiencing fear and pain amid the smell of death.
Factory-farmed chickens, with an estimated 99 percent of birds raised for food, endure harrowing lives. Born in industrial hatcheries, they face separation from mothers, cramped crates, and overcrowded, filthy conditions in factory farms, fostering zoonotic diseases like bird flu. The meat industry's pursuit of profit leads to unnatural growth rates, causing skeletal disorders, hock burn, and heart attacks. Despite their large size, most chickens are slaughtered as babies, meeting a grisly end at less than two months old.
Broiler chickens undergo live-shackle slaughter, shackled upside down, and subjected to electrified water baths and throat-slitting. Egg-laying hens face a similar fate when their productivity declines. Male chicks born in the egg industry often suffer brutal deaths, being ground alive. USDA inspections reveal extensive violations, including birds boiled alive and live birds among the dead.
Fast-food restaurants contribute to this cruelty, sourcing from suppliers practicing live-shackle slaughter. McDonald's, a major purchaser of chicken, participates in inhumane practices, with birds hung upside down in electrified water baths, often not stunned properly.
The treatment of chickens in the modern poultry industry is widely considered animal cruelty. Chickens, intelligent and social beings, endure lives of darkness, filth, and overcrowding. Their unnatural growth rate maximizes industry profits but inflicts immense pain. The call to action urges individuals to be champions for chickens, raising awareness and demanding an end to the brutal treatment of these sentient beings in the broken food system.
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