South Africa: The New Grand Tour

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Observatory » Area » Human Bridges
Source: Human Bridges Project

This is a visual guide to two journeys through South Africa created by the Cradle of Human Culture.

South Africa Screenshot COHC.png
Irina Matuzava is a contributor to the Human Bridges project.

Map and Introduction[edit | edit source]

The Cradle of Human Culture has developed two journeys through the Western Cape in South Africa. The Artist's Journey focuses on past and living culture, while the Coastal Journey focuses on early coastal archaeological sites. Explore these two paths on the map below or learn more about the origins of human culture and how to build your own journey on the Cradle of Human Culture website.

About the Journeys[edit | edit source]

"These sites reveal how we, as Homo sapiens, started to innovate socially, behaviourally and culturally. By following the footsteps of our early predecessors, visitors will discover how we became what we are today.

The Cradle of Human Culture includes several archaeological and palaeontological sites in the Western Cape. The three major ones are Diepkloof Rock Shelter in the Cape West Coast (Weskus), Blombos Cave and Pinnacle Point on the Southern Cape Coast. However, a trip to the Cradle of Human Culture includes more than these three sites and the development and expression of human culture can be traced across all sites.

Hand prints, Rock Art, Diepkloof Rock Shelter, Elands Bay, Western Cape South Africa

Experience the two journeys through the Western Cape forming part of the Cradle of Human Culture. Along the Artist's Journey in the Cape West Coast (Weskus), you will discover the West Coast Fossil Park, San Rock art dotted along the Cederberg and unique guided experiences that will leave you feeling inspired. Along the Coastal Journey, you will catch a glimpse of the Cape Winelands, delving into the Cape Overberg and exploring the famous Garden Route & Klein Karoo discovering coastal caves and the underground cave wonder known as the Cango Caves."

Inside Cango Caves

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