From Observatory
Pages in category "Featured"
The following 73 pages are in this category, out of 73 total.
- Activists in Philly Have a Novel Approach to Help De-Oppress Society
- Advances in Archaeology Allow Us to Understand Political Evolution and Social Change in Deep Time
- Agrivoltaics: The Farm-to-Solar Trend That Can Help Accelerate the Renewable Energy Transition
- Air Pollution Is Killing Millions and Rising Exponentially—A Shift in Agriculture Can Solve It
- Can You Reset Your Biological Age to Live a Longer, Healthier Life?
- Chickens Lack the Most Basic Legal Protection: The Right to Humane Slaughter
- Circular Economy: How the Tanda System Helps Latinos in Southern California with Mutual Financial Support
- Cities Made Differently: Try Imagining Another Urban Existence
- Highlander Research and Education Center Brings Old-School Expertise to Present-Day Issues
- How a 20th-Century Family Planning Agenda Fueled the Climate Crisis
- How Animal Agriculture Drains Our Freshwater Supplies
- How Artificial Intelligence Challenges the Concept of Authorship
- How Cities Around the World Are Adapting to Better Food Systems
- How Community Schools Can Transform Parent Involvement for the Better
- How Europe Is Depleting U.S. Forests in the Name of Fighting Climate Change
- How Pseudo-Archaeology and Phony Alt-History Rose to Popularity in the U.S.
- How Science Fiction Can Inspire Environmentalism and Climate Action
- How Sustainable Next-Gen Materials Can Create a More Ethical Consumer Market
- How the Constitution Fails to Protect the Environment
- How the Psychology of Oppression Perpetuates Harm to Animals and the Environment
- How to Decode Humane Food Labels at the Supermarket
- How to Decolonize Our Battle Against Climate Change
- Organic Farming Increases Soil Carbon and Helps Counter Climate Change
- Our Times Call for Managing Complexities, Not Solving Problems
- Our World Is in a Multifront Crisis—It’s Time to Cultivate a Local Peace Economy
- Outdated Narratives Have Humanity in a Downward Spiral—It’s Time to Tell ‘Stories for Life’
- Sanitation in Namibia Is a Catastrophe for Its People and Environment
- Saving the Bumblebee Starts With Changing Our Farming Practices
- The Science of Twins and the Human Fascination With Them
- Sperm Whales Have Culture Too: Strong Evidence That Clans, Culture, and Dialects Are Not Unique to Humans
- The Surprising Ways Inventions and Ideas Spread in Ancient Prehistory
- Telling The ‘Untold’ Stories Of Palestinian Lives, Dreams, And Hopes—In Gaza And Beyond
- Ten Grim Climate Scenarios When Global Temperatures Rise Above 1.5 Degrees Celsius
- The Adaptive Value of Teenagers: How Peer Learning Contributes to Primate Success
- The Commercial Fishing Industry Is Destroying Vital Marine Ecosystems
- The Compost Co-op Gives Ex-Inmates a Living Wage Through Meaningful Work
- The Humble Carrot’s Colorful History
- The Palm Oil Industry Is Pushing Critically Endangered Elephants to Extinction
- The Sustainability Scam: How Self-Interest Ruins Good Ideas
- War Is Not Inevitable—A More Peaceful Future Is Possible
- We Can Interpret How Cooperative or Autocratic Mesoamerican Societies Were From Their Systems of Communication
- We Did Not Evolve to Be Selfish—and Humans Are Increasingly Aware We Can Choose How Our Cultures Can Evolve
- We Need a Plan for the Transition to Renewable Energy
- What Are Republics, Exactly? It’s a Good Time to Learn
- What Factory Farm Conditions Do to Animals—Including Humans
- What’s Behind Right-Wing Attacks on Schools for ‘Teaching Critical Race Theory’
- Where Did Vladimir Putin’s Dream Of a ‘Russian World’ Come From?
- Why COVID-19 Proved Children Need Physical Schools, Not Virtual Education
- Why Ecosystems Need Healthy Populations of Apex Predators to Be Restored
- Why There Is a Growing Student Absentee Rate—and How Community Schools Can Fix It